Texas : April 2015 (part 1)

Two weeks were spent traveling around Texas, from the Edwards Plateau, Davis Mountains, Big Bend National Park to Brazos Bend State Park and the Upper Texas Coast. A lot of miles were covered, 3300 miles, in just 2 weeks and a fair number of species were racked up, at least three quarters of the species were photographed to varying degrees of quality with some of the highlights provided here.

A lot of days were cloudy whilst the woodlands were dense so little light penetrated to the floor so higher ISO's were needed on more than one occasion, I had to put it right up to even stand a chance of the singing Louisiana Waterthrush in the rain at Lost Maples. As a result of many low light, high ISO, days some images have become a little 'noisy' but some very pleasing shots were obtained nonw the less. A more extended set than the usual 15-20 images provided in parts 1 and part 2

Grey Catbird : Lafeyette Cove, Galveston

Hooded Warbler : Smith Oaks, High Island

Laughing Gull : Bolivar Peninsula, Upper Texas Coast

Laughing Gull : Bolivar Peninsula, Upper Texas Coast

Least Sandpiper : Bobs Road, Bolivar Peninsula, Upper Texas Coast

American Avocets : Bolivar Peninsula

Green Heron, Bobs Road, Bolivar Peninsula, Upper Texas Coast

Greater Yellowlegs : the Oilfields, High Island

Great Horned Owl : Big Bend National Park

Chestnut-sided Warbler : Smith Oaks, High Island

Common Nighthawk : Anahuac, Uper Texas Coast

Golden-cheeked Warbler : Lost Maples, The Hill Country

Golden-winged Warbler : Smith Oaks, High Island

Cactus Wren : Big Bend National Park

Blue-winged Warbler : Smith Oaks, High Island

Blackburnian Warbler : Hooks Wood, High Island

Black-throated Geen and Tennessee Warblers : Smith Oaks, High Island

American Bittern : Brazos Bend State Park

American Bittern : Brazos Bend State Park

Alligator : Brazos Bend State Park

American Purple Gallinule : Anahua, Upper Texas Coast

Bal Eagle : Anahuac, Upper Texas Coast

Common Black Hawk : Big Bend National Park

Big Bend National Park

Belted Kingfisher : Bobs Road, Bolivar Peninsula, Upper Texas Coast

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