Dusky Warbler - Fair Isle October 2020

I initially found this Dusky Warbler in a grassy field south of Shirva on Fair Isle where it showed all to briefly before disappearing for the rest of the day. I ony saw it for around 20-30seconds in total with only about 5 seconds of that of it on the deck as it flew around like a demented waif.

It was then refound next day at Field before disappearing yet again before popping up at the end of the day at the Walli Burn. On both occaisions I managed to see it. 

On its third day it eventually gave itself up as it eventually settled around Lower Leogh favouring the roadside long grass. It was hyper active, constantly on the move along the fenceline with continually flicking of wings and tail and calling lots. 

Trying to get photos of a bird that would only stay on the wire fence for a split second was incredibly challenging as you never could tell where along the fence it would choose and invariably there would be lots of grass stems across it. I did manage a few images, especially away from the wire fence, and proves that Dusky Warbler is a cracking looking bird and I may just prefer it over Raddes Warbler. 

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