Saturday, 17 February 2018

First post on New Blog.

Today was stunning February weather but I seemed to have had a lot of bad luck. Visited Mickleham in Surrey this morning for a hoped for Hawfinch bonanza but seems a I was a little to late as instead of the hoped for 300+ I got a big fat zero. Stayed here for three hours with fleeting views of what were probably Hawfinch but none sat up. Not what I spent 2hours driving for.

Back at home I then failed to find the long staying Little Stint and Barnacle Geese a Bowers Marsh. I did have a little Hawfinch reprieve when two were seen in Pound Wood in the evening but luck wasnt with me as when one perched up the camera just kept coming back with an error and would not work. Frantic off.on again and taking the battery out and back in and lots of lens wobbles until it worked but by then the bird had gone.

Overall a frustrating day.

Hopefully subsequent posts will be of a more positive nature.

1 comment:

  1. Great to hear you've got a blog Steve- added to my blog list!
