Saturday, 1 December 2018

Black-throated Diver - Gunners Park

When a Black-throated Diver appeared on the lake at Gunners Park a few days ago I was hoping it would linger till the wekend when I would have a chance to get down there. 

My morning visit resulted in the bird still being present but the weather was atrocious with very low cloud, rain and very little light so I really struggled with the camera settings with high ISO (minimum 1000) to get a shuter speed of at least 1/100th second. Awful. 

As a result most of the shots I took were blurred but a few were just salvagable and as can be seen it was, at times, an extremely showy bird. 

It seemed to be feeding quite well, though I didn't see it actually catch anything. It also struggled to get up the embankment as it apparently attmepted to make a cross land attempt to reach the sea. It got about 15-20metres or so before it retreated to the lake when a dog walker walked straight towards it with his two large hounds, dog walkers are an issue here. 

If the weather improves tomorrow I'll return and try again for improved images but for now here's my low light attempts.

This is by far and away the best views of a Black-throated Diver I have ever seen.

What are great bird

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