Well it wasn't really a goose chase in the end, more like a drive up there they are, job done.
In December two Red-breasted Geese had arrived with the Brent Goose flock on the other side of the River Crouch along the Dengie and despite making several visits to Wallasea in the hope they flew across and into our recording area it was obvious that they were settled and unlikely to move anytime soon. As the directions on RBA were for a very long walk along the seawall from Burnham I had decided to not make the effort despite wanting to see them.
As it later turned out I was able to get a lift to the actual site using private farm tracks with someone who has access and on the 2nd January we rolled up and the flock was right next to the track and close to the seawall. So instead of a 8-10miles round trip walk ending in being completely knackered I was able to see these two stunners from the car. result.
It wasn't two windy and the light was mostly flat so higher ISO's were needed than I would usually go to but as the male of the two birds was generally always on the closest edge of the confiding brent flock I have not had the need to crop to heavily.
A most enjoyable morning out.
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